Join The KCI Community

"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."

1 Peter 2:9 (NIV)

This Is For You If:

✔︎ If you feel isolated and alone with your journey as a kingdom creative.

✔︎ If you wonder if He can use what you produce for His glory.

A One-Of-A-Kind Community Designed To Support, Encourage & Empower Your Creative Calling

The KCI Membership Includes:

  • Special members-only training videos

  • Members-only special guest interviews

  • Discounted workshops and retreats

  • Members can lead area Communities, Critique and Small Groups

  • Members books & creative works published on KWA website resources page

  • Members-only portal on our KWA website

  • Members can access all online chapter gatherings

  • “Plus” Members can promote their books and creative works on Facebook group pages

What Our Members Are Saying

  • “Then I made the most pivotal decision I ever made in my journey as an author. I decided to invest in myself, and schedule a coaching session with Brae. He had so many critiques and offered me invaluable nuggets of gold to grow as a writer. But the most important thing that happened was when he told me I was a ‘FANTASTIC STORYTELLER’. Something in that moment broke off of me. The Holy Spirit broke in and set me on a path that changed my life forever. I BELIEVED GOD’S CALL, and I never turned back.”

    -Angela Hughes

  • “From the first meeting, I realized I had found people who understood what I was going through as an emerging author, but even more than that, as someone called to make an impact on the world as a representative of Jesus Christ.”

    Dr. Cindy Holman

  • “God gave me a word through Brae, "Dewey, you have what it takes." It was a simple yet powerful word. This matched other words people had given me about my identity as a prophetic story developer. Next, I had a zoom call with Brae and Jill. It was like meeting and talking to long-lost relatives. At the end of that call, I said “YES” to launching the KWA Chapter in Bakersfield, CA, and being the Chapter leader.”

    -Dewey Compton

Join The KCI Community

KCI Monthly Membership
Every month

Get anytime access to our growing collection of classes, workshops, and exclusive content. New items added every month.


KCI Annual Membership
Every year

Get anytime access to our growing collection of classes, workshops, and exclusive content. New items added every month.

KCI Annual Membership Plus
Every year

Everything in the KCI Membership Plus Your Featured Book or Art On KCI Website

*Must Agree to Our Statement of Faith Before Joining


  • Our mission is to disciple Christian writers and creatives to use their gifts and anointing to bless others and advance the Kingdom of God.

  • What makes us different is that our main concern is the person, not the product. Our approach is identity, community, and expression. It starts with Identity: knowing who you are in Christ, what He says about you, and the authority you have in Him. With that, we provide a place for you to grow within a healthy, interdependent community of Kingdom-minded believers. Like Aarons and Hurs, we hold each other's arms up in the battle to create. KCI is a community where you can be equipped, empowered, and encouraged to respond to your creative calling. From this place of wholeness and connection, you can produce the unique creative expression that God put in you. Healthy individuals within healthy community produce work that is healthy and righteous. We are Kingdom focused, which means there is no comparison or competition. A win for Jesus is a win for the Kingdom, and a win for the Kingdom is a win for all. We're Team Jesus!

  • Righteous creativity, in all its forms, has the ability to reach across enemy lines, break down barriers, shift atmospheres, influence culture, and touch the hearts of people with the heart of God. The enemy, who cannot create, seeks to influence creatives to create works that carry his distorted and perverted agenda instead. For this reason, God is calling His creative, scribal army to the front lines for such a time as this. As in Zechariah 1:18-21, He’s using His craftsmen (creatives) to TERRIFY the enemy! Our creative expression, whatever that may be, is worship to the One who calls us to create and warfare to the enemy who knows the power we wield when we create under the influence of the Holy Spirit.

  • Yes, and more in the works. Check out our Workshop tab on our website. Members benefit from staying connected to the Members-Only Facebook group page where we periodically post helpful videos on various subjects as well.

  • Not at all. Our community consists of creatives across all levels, from barely beginning to published writers and full-time creatives who make their living through their creative expression. The beauty of The Church—the body of believers—is that each one of us has been given a part to play in God’s plan. KCI communities are interdependent, meaning that no matter where we are in our process, we can all encourage and lend our strengths to one another. Everyone in the community is seen and valued.

  • No. We have writers in our communities who are writing books, screenplays, stage plays, blogs, songs, poems, and even letters and text messages. We do not underestimate God’s power to move through anything He’s calling us to write. We’ve witnessed great testimonies from letter writers and even text messages that have literally saved people (plural) from taking their lives. (Proverbs 25:11-12).

  • No. It includes them but is not limited to them. At KCI, we believe God works through all creative expressions. This includes, but is not limited to, painters, dancers, musicians, makers, bakers, sewers, gardeners, interior designers, graphic designers, entrepreneurs, strategists, inventors, homeschooling parents, and more. Some people think they’re not creative because they don’t fit into a traditional box. We welcome all Christian creatives.

  • Yes. We have groups specific to writers. These groups are part of KCI but within the division of Kingdom Writers Association (KWA). Within KWA, there are Sci-Fi/Fantasy writers and Children’s Book Writers online genre-specific communities. We also have a community in Hollywood for screenwriters. Nonfiction writers and memoir writer’s communities are forthcoming. Regarding other creative communities, we have an entrepreneur community starting later this year. Be on the lookout for other specific creative interest communities popping up soon, both locally and online. If you're interested in starting a specific creative community in your area, click here.

  • Our leaders are individuals who are actively pursuing their own creative calling (whatever that may be) and desire to see others respond to God's creative calling in their lives. We believe community is key, whether it’s a gathering of two or many. Matthew 18:20 states, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” In this, we can gather in an intimate setting in our home with our neighbors, friends, or family members. Or, we can gather in larger groups in churches or other local buildings and open it up to all area believers. We’re not concerned with the quantity of participants but rather the quality of our communities. Apply Here

  • Click “Join the Community” on our website, read and acknowledge our Statement of Faith, and choose your plan. Our membership is $99 per year and $129 for the Plus Membership, which allows you to promote your work on our website Shop page.

  • Think of it like a retreat. Early on, the Lord said, “I don’t want you to retreat. I want you to ADVANCE.” We now call them ‘Advances’. We have Advances happening each year. Please check the events tab for more information and to register.